Thursday, 24 November 2011

Romans is blowing my mind

Right now the book of Romans is blowing my mind! Ive decided to read one Psalm and one chapter of Romans every day. I read the chapter of Romans from 3 different translations (NLT, TNIV and THE MESSAGE) this is giving me a unique perspective and ability to glean from it. And seriously I'm not exaggerating it's blowing my mind.

The crazy thing is the part that is so enthralling to me, so crazy to me, is not new information . . . it's something I would have claimed to know all along. What is it you ask? Faith. I'm only in chapter 4 and the theme of faith is so obvious and clear and in your face that I can't believe I haven't seen it this way before. 3 verses that are revolutionizing my world right now as we speak.

Romans 3:20 (NLT)
For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are.

Romans 3:28 (TNIV)
For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from observing the law.

Romans 4:16 (THE MESSAGE)
This is why the fulfillment of God's promise depends entirely on trusting God and his way, and then simply embracing him and what he does . . .

Wow, that's what I wrote in my bible WOW! How do we miss that? What do we do with that, how does that change us? It's changing me, His word is living, active and sharp and it's changing me. I prayed today that God would bring Faith to the youth of Ponoka, that they would recognize that God is there, his Son died and rose again, his Holy Spirit will lead them and that because of that they will start their journey of Faith. Join me, if you will, in that prayer . . . one of the greatest things missing in their lives is faith and faith would change everything for them. Faith would change everything for all of us if we learned to walk in it as we should.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Christians . . . the telemarketers of Religion?

At Bible study on Wednesday one of the young men in attendance made a comment that I found . . . intriguing. We were discussing why, as Christians, we can so easily turn people off. Why it is that their high school life is plagued with the reality that their friends look at them sideways when they mention that they are headed to Bible study or youth group. This young man's response . . . "It is because we are the telemarketers of the world, people hear us mention it, and they want to hang up." Interesting . . .

For a while we talked about where that mindset came from, What it meant for us as Christians and if it was possible to change it. I was encouraged by their view on it. But the comment still left me thinking. I don't have too much more to say on the topic really, it's just something I have been thinking about since he said it. Is that really how the world views us? and who do I need to be so that I am different? That's the goal right that we would be different but in an appealing, want to know about it kind of way.

In some ways it was a profound thought to me . . . in some ways a depressing one and in lots of ways one that made me want to be different, different from the world and different form the Christian Stereotype the world has. Again, it was just something that made me think. I thought I'd share it with you.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Standing in the breach

I was reading in Psalm 106 today and verse 23 stood out to me. The psalm recounts the history of the Israelites. It highlights some of their sins against the Lord, rebelling against him, giving in to their cravings and not waiting on Him, being envious, exchanging God for the image of a bull, despising the land they had been given . . . the list goes on. The incredible thing to me was how God in his unending love continued to care for them, continued to offer them mercy and forgiveness, it is truly a psalm which highlights His long-suffering. But now verse 23 -

21 They forgot the God who saved them, who had done 
great things in Egypt, 22 miracles in the land of Ham and 
awesome deeds by the Red Sea. 23 So he said he would 
destroy them— had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach 
before him to keep his wrath from destroying them. 

It made me think of all the people who must have been "standing in the breach" for me during some of the darkest times of my life. People I know who were praying for me, coming before God on my behalf, pleading with him for my sake. The reality is I probably do not know all the names on that list, all the people who were lifting me up before God in prayer. But I know their prayers worked, I know God heard them and had mercy on me and turned my heart to Him once again. I am astounded every time I think of how God was working through others in my life. 

After reading that psalm and reflecting on that reality in my own life I prayed. I prayed for the youth I work with, for the youth of Ponoka and the surrounding area, I prayed for them by name and circumstance. I want to stand in the breach for these kids, and what is being revealed to me is that the only way I can stand in the breach is if I get on my knees in prayer. Please join with me, please pray for the youth of Ponoka, and please believe that your prayers on their behalf make a significant difference in their lives. 

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

heavenword . . . which way is that?

Philippians 3:7-14 is one of my favorite Bible passages, and as I was thinking about it this past week a new thought hit me. I'll be honest, it's a fairly elementary thought, one which maybe I should have had a long time ago, but something hit me in a new way. This whole passage is about "leaving your past behind you and moving toward the future which God has called you to" it talks about "pressing on," being "called," "attaining to" "arriving". Well the reality is you don't arrive without departing and you can't press on if your not moving, these are action words.

Here is the passage
7 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. 12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  

It struck me how that whole passage is about the direction in which we are moving, that might not be the first thing that jumps out at you, but I really believe that this is a passage that encourages us in the direction that we are to go as Christians, the action we must take. See verse 14 doesn't say "I stand here and wait to win the prize for which God will deliver to you in Christ Jesus" no it says "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." It is a direction, it is us moving. I recognize that as a Christian I am far to comfortable with standing in my comfort zone, waiting for heaven to come to me, maybe your like that too. There needs to be a change, we, I, need to realize that's not what it's about, that's not what we have been called too. We need to be Christians of action, sometimes the hard part is answering the question "what does it look like for me to be moving heavenward?"

P.S. If your interested in following my blog by email, you can subscribe via the email subscription link at the top. 

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

The Moments I LOVE!

This past Friday 6 youth and I headed to Edmonton to a Newsboys concert. On Saturday I realized Although I'm really not old, I don't feel as young as I once did after a late night like this one, but it was worth it. While jumping up and down and singing and screaming to loud music is kinda fun, the moments I love at these kind of events is when the band starts singing those songs that really touch your heart, the ones that make you want to raise your hands and really offer praise to Jesus, in those moments I love to look around and see the youth really worshiping. Because to me that is what it is all about, it's about God getting glory through there lives and about them being drawn into a deeper relationship with Him. I love playing with youth, just having fun hanging out and being together, but i REALLY love getting to see them in those moments when they are connecting with Jesus, and I love standing next to them and worshiping right along side of them, recognizing that the same grace that they need as they walk the messy path of adolescence is the same grace that covers me daily, that the Same Jesus that rescued me is the same Jesus that they need to rescue them, and I LOVE it when together we can praise that Jesus.

A shot of the newsboys snapped by one of my youth with her ever so trusty Phone Camera.

As a Side note, I want to thank those of you who have been helping me reach my fundraising goal through my One - Fifty campaign, I'm not there yet but I am so blessed by where i am! Check out my page here to see how far you guys have brought me. Thank you for making my work possible!   

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Happy New Year!

Ok, I know it's not a new year yet, but it sure feels like one in my life . . .and I am sure in the lives of many of the youth who have just begun their new school year. I feel like September, with the start of a new school year, is a brand new year for me.

It has been exciting over the past few days to be back into schools. It is still early in the year, so very few of our programs have started up, but I know where to find kids! Last week after going to an opening day assembly at St. Augustine school I took a few girls out for ice cream, it was so encouraging to connect with them and hear about there summers, it got me excited for what this new year will hold. It's just really encouraging to be back in the swing of things, to know that I can head into schools and connect with kids.

Tonight is the start of my Wednesday night youth bible study and I look forward to hearing some "back to school" stories, I also look forward to having a weekly opportunity to connect with these kids, to learn and grow together. I look forward to seeing what this new school year will hold. So Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Golf . . . for a cause

I really don't like golf, I feel like it's a sport that someone invented for the pure pleasure of watching someone like me be very very frustrated. Baseball is more my sport, there's a ball and a bat and the goal is to hit the ball as hard as possible, how is that not awesome?? Golf, theres a ball and an awkward shaped club and the goal is to calculate how hard and in what direction you should attempt to move the ball, it almost makes me feel like I'm doing math . . .yuck!! So anyway, I really don't like Golf.

None the less every year YFC does a golf  marathon, 54 holes of golf in two days. ummm, can anyone say torture? However, the goal of the marathon is to raise money in support of our work with YFC. So as much as I hate golf I hate to pass up the great fundraising opportunity that it is. That is why I am INCREDIBLY happy that Nick Comeau will be golfing those 54 holes instead of me. Thank you Nick!! It is still my responsibility however to raise the money for him to embark on this 54 hole endevour that he is willing to do to help me in my work with Youth Unlimited. For the record asking for money . . . also not real high on my list of favorites, but because I believe deeply in the message of reconciliation which has been entrusted to us as Christians, and I believe we have been called to share it and to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I will ask. I am so blessed to be able to do this work with Youth Unlimited. I am so blessed also by those of you who believe in this work and our mission. If you would be willing to make a financial contribution towards my work with Youth Unlimited by donating to this 54 hole Golf Marathon (all proceeds go towards my deputation with Youth Unlimited I would very much appreciate it. Please feel free to contact me for me details. If you are unable to make a financial contribution I would still covet your prayers for both myself and the youth I come in contact with this new school year.  
you can also check out more info here

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

my supper made me think . . .

Me and my husband were out for supper at a restaurant the other day and I had a thought. . .

The food we were eating wasn't exceptional, in fact it was pretty disappointing. We had both ordered the same dish and neither of us was overly enjoying our supper. I knew that at some point in time the waitress would come around with the regular polite question "how is everything?" So I asked Brendan what he thought we should say when we were asked how our food was. We both decided that politely sharing that the food hadn't lived up to our expectations would be OK, it was honest, why would we lie? So i was prepared, when she asked I was going to be honest. However, when she came around she quickly rushed by mumbling something about "how was everything", hands full obviously on a mission, we both, with our mouths full  quickly responded "it's good, thank you." ummm . . . wait, that's not how that was supposed to go?!?

It just made me think, how often do people really share what is true. If the waitress had had a bit more time maybe I would have shared the truth with her, or maybe if it had come across that it actually mattered if the food was good it would have made a difference. So often in life I rush by someone and spit out "hey how are you?" often in such a rush that the answer could be "terrible, I'm stricken with disease and my dog just died" and I would still think that "O great!" is an appropriate response. Hey at least i made conversation right? Wrong, I think in this fast paced world I need to slow down, enough that when a kid hears me ask the question "Hey, how are you?" they believe that I am willing to stand there and listen to whatever the answer might be, and then to respond appropriately with both care and interest, if I'm not then I'm not being very relational. And if I honestly don't have an extra moment then maybe a simple "hi" would be more appropriate than a question I don't care to hear the answer to. It's funny how a bad meal can get me thinking sometimes.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

THE Truth

Last week two Jehova's wittnesses came to my door, I invited them in and an hour long conversation ensued, for an hour we discussed the differences between what we believe is true. After a while it was time for them to go but they asked if they could come back, I told them I didn't know when exactly that would fit in and we left it at that. Last week I ran into one of them at Tim Horton's and she requested that they come back to discuss further with me, I decided it couldn't hurt so yesterday I had them over. We talked for an hour and a half, this time about much more pointed things - who is Jesus? God's son or God? Does the Trinity exist? Can all people hope for eternal life? What happens when we die? They were some pretty heavy topics, topics that get me excited because I want to know the Truth about these things - before the conversation I took some time to pray for humility and that I would know when to bite my tongue in order to not employ my ever so ready "Haley debate." I think I did ok in that vein :)

The conversation was good, frustrating at times but good. I certainly don't think I changed their minds about anything, I really hope I got them thinking though - I know afterwards I was thinking. I was thinking about Truth, we can't all have it, not everyone can be right in what they believe. I know some people would like to think that what's good for you is good and what's good for me is good and as long as we are all right in our own minds then that Truth is good enough. That's CRAZY! it's illogical, almost every religion or faith claims to have "the truth" so to claim that each of them can be right is almost insane, that would prove each of them wrong immediately.

The reality is that, as we sat in my living room discussing truth, one of us was wrong, one of us didn't have the whole picture. I am unchangeably convinced that what I believe about the saving grace of Jesus and the truth that he speaks is in fact "the Truth" (I also know that they feel the same way). Nevertheless it got me thinking, how important is the Truth, how important is it to be able to defend the Truth? . . . I think it's pretty important. I'm definitely not saying I have it all figured out, or I have all the answers, I wish I did during that conversation. But mostly it just made me realize how important it is to live a life in pursuit of "the Truth".

Jesus says, "I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life" it gets you thinking!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

It's been a while

It's been a while since I have blogged, I think the transition from the school year to summer has thrown me for a bit of a loop. I spent most of the past week in Winnipeg Manitoba where I got credentialed (finally!) This means that I have successfully completed the requirements of YFC to become a credentialed missionary of YFC, yay!! The rest of the week in Winnipeg was spent hearing from speakers, spending time with other YFC Canada staff and getting a renewed vision for what YFC is all about. It was a great conference despite the long drive.

And now I'm diving deep into prep work for this coming school year - I know last school year hardly got out the door and planning has already started for the next one, but it comes quicker than I ever think. I'm really excited about some of the stuff that will be coming my way with YFC in the near future, one of which is starting a mentorship with a young girl throguh Big brothers Big sisters, this means I will have the great privileged of sharing real life with a young girl, this match should start soon and I'm excited for the chance to hang out with her.

On a personal note, Brendan's trailer in Debolt sold which means we get to start the exciting process of looking for the first home we will buy together and this is a VERY new and exciting adventure!

Well I guess that's a bit of a glimpse of life right now, thanks for letting me share my life and ministry with you!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

The house I build

I asked my bible study kids to contemplate a passage of scripture last night. It was Luke 6:46-49. It talks about two different kinds of people, wise and foolish. The wise man builds his house on a solid foundation, on the Rock (Jesus Christ), the foolish man builds his house on the ground without a foundation, Then the passage tells us that when the storm came the wind and rain and floods did not move the house built on a solid foundation, it withstood the storm, When the storm came to the house without a foundation it collapsed and it's destruction was complete.

I asked the youth which of these two houses they would want to be, and then we talked about how it was completely their choice. It is summer time now, I probably wont see all of them on a weekly basis, I'll try to see them often but programs just don't run the same in the summer. So i know that now is the time that all the teaching I have done, all the conversations we have had, all the things we have learned about will all be tested. This is where the rubber meets the road some might say.

We all have things in our lives that try to pull us away from building our house on a solid foundation, the sin things in our life that appeal to our senses that make us think that building on the rock isn't worth it.  Sometimes it seems like it would be easier not to put in the work, not to dig down deep and find that rock to build our house on, but we have to ask ourselves if a house with no foundation is the house we want to build? Will it be worth it when we are standing looking at the rubble that we put so much effort into, the house that we built all in vain because it was on a weak foundation?

I want to know, be certain, that the house I am building is on a solid foundation, that it is built upon Christ the Solid Rock, that no storm of life could shake it. I want to have faith to walk through the the storms of life and come up untouched on the other side because of my Rock.

My prayer is that this summer those youth would be thinking about the foundation that they want to build their house on. I pray that they will see the temptations of this world for what they truly are, traps to make us build our house on sinking sand, things that promise us immediate pleasure but offer no eternal reward. I want the house I build to be built upon the rock, likewise I hope to watch as many young people choose to build their house on a solid foundation through their choices this summer.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

The Dash

I received some bad news this week, A young man I went to school with passed away on Sunday. I'll be honest, I haven't seen him for years, probably about 6, but in school we were good friends and the news that he was now gone was rattling. I'll be attending his funeral this Friday, hopefully along with many of the others students from that class, I am confident it won't be a happy reunion, but hopefully we can celebrate who he was together. He was a happy, carefree, fun loving kind of guy.

News of death usually makes you think, it makes reality sink a bit further in that we are not untouchable, we are not immortal, especially when it is someone that is the same age as yourself. This time it reminded me of something I heard one time, when you look at a tombstone there's usually two dates: date of birth and date of death. In between those two dates is usually a little dash, a small mark with so much significance. The dash represents all the things about our life, it's where we make choices, memories, decisions. Who will we be? what will we aspire to? how will we impact the world? what or who will we believe in?

It's the dash that matters, a little tiny mark that represents all of the life someone lived. It makes you think, what will I do in my dash, who will I be? I think it's easy to let life pass you by sometimes, to be a bystander of your own existence. I don't want that, I want my dash to matter, I want the kids I work with the know that I think it matters, I don't care if i get famous or if people have many incredible things to say about me once my dash is up and that final date known, but as I think about it I do care about that dash. I care that in my dash I live for Jesus not myself (this isn't always easy - in fact it almost never is), I care that in my dash I try to put others first, I care that in my dash I stay focused on what matters, I believe Jesus came, and died, so that my dash could be life and life to the full. I also believe that Jesus came, and died, so that after my dash I could look forward to an eternity with Him, an eternity in Glory, an eternity that I can have based on the decision I made to follow him in my dash.

It's gloriously freeing to know that when my dash ends, I will meet face to face with my wonderful Saviour, I will know firsthand the reality of his grace and compassion for me that covers over all the mistakes made in my dash. The best news is that that same offer is for everyone, Jesus offers it freely, all we have to do is believe in him and accept his free gift of salvation, after that the final date after the dash is far less frightening.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

YC Alberta - 2011

This past weekend - May 27-29 - Brendan and I took 12 youth to YC in Edmonton. A number of people have asked me how it was, I always respond with LOUD! seriously it's crazy how loud the whole weekend was.

But it wasn't only loud, it was great to see the kids interacting, listening to what speakers had to say, enjoying the numerous concerts that there were to attend and debriefing at the end of the day. Throughout the week I asked youth, what was life impacting today? I love hearing their answers, it's neat that each of us are impacted by different things, that different things touch our hearts or make us think.

The theme of the weekend was "Hear the Sound" - hear the sound of what God has to say to you, of what he wants you to learn. I believe that it was an impacting week for some of the youth on the trip, I believe some of them truly believe that their lives need to change, so i will be praying for them, that now that they are home they will still be listening to what God has to say to them, that they wont just turn back to their old ways.

It was a good weekend (below is a picture from a Tenth Avenue North concert I attended - one of my favorite parts of the weekend) but I am pretty glad to be back to normal life in lower decibels :)

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Just Fishin'

Trace Adkins has a new song on the radio - Just Fishin' - maybe you have heard it. If not here are just some of the Lyrics - you can read all the lyrics here

Me and my dad Fishin'!
I’m lost in her there holdin’ that pink rod and reel  
She’s doin’ almost everything but sittin’ still 
Talkin’ ‘bout her ballet shoes and training wheels And her kittens 
And she thinks we’re just fishin’ 

I say, “Daddy loves you, baby” one more time 
She says, “I know. I think I got a bite.” 
And all this laughin’, cryin, smilin’ 
dyin’ here inside’s What I call, livin’ 

And she thinks we’re just fishin’ 
on the riverside Throwin’ back what we could fry 
Drownin’ worms and killin’ time 
Nothin’ too ambitious 

She ain’t even thinkin’ ‘bout 
What’s really goin’ on right now 
But I guarantee this memory’s a big’in 
And she thinks we’re just fishin’ 
Yeah, aww, she thinks we’re just fishin’ 
We ain’t only fishin’ 
(This ain’t about fishin’) 

When I heard this song on the radio last night it made me think about what I do spending time with youth. I don't want to sound like I have a hidden agenda, I really don't. At the same time what I do isn't about having coffee or lunch, it isn't about sorting bottles or going for a walk. It's about what those things accomplish, about the space those times create. When I do those things it's so that I can build relationship with kids, so there is a time created where we can talk about life and God and what's good and what's hard.

I'm sure that parent's are familiar with this, creating space to connect with their kids, to build relationship. Making time to do something "fun" that creates space for real life conversation. I love how honest this song is about why this dad too his little girl fishing, it's because he wants to be invested in her life. I want to be deeply invested in the lives of the youth I meet with, I want the things we do together to create space for relationship and trust.

It's a great song that really got me thinking! hopefully it makes you think too.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


I want to praise God for his faithfulness, Today I got to remove TWO numbers from my ONE to FIFTY fundraising Campaign. 5 and 50 have both been taken. That means I am $55 closer to my needed goal. I praise God for his faithfulness and encouragement to me in this way. I know that nothing of what I do, including fundraising would be possible without God going before me and making a way.

(If you want to check out the details of my ONE to FIFTY campaign just click here)

On another note last night I had my credentialing meeting (All YFC staff go through a process called credentialing to make sure that we are the kind of people that YFC wants to be associated with. They give us training and assignments, test us on our theology and give recommendations for further growth - It's a 2 year process - once that process is completed we get credentialed). I don't get the official certificate until next month but I feel like a WOOHOO is in order as I will soon be an officially credentialed staff person with Youth Unlimited. I praise God for this as well.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Friendship . . .

This past weekend me and Brendan headed up to Grande Prairie to visit some friends. In a weird way I always feel a little at home when I'm there because of the 3 years I spent there for school.

I got to spend my whole Saturday with some very good friends of mine. You know those friends that you can just pick up where you left off, be totally honest together and laugh really hard with. That's what these friends are like for me. So we spent the whole day walking around the park and catching up since the last time we had been together, we went to Petland to play with the animals and then went back to the park for a picnic. We ended the day by getting together for coffee with another friend. It was one of those days that totally refueled me. Not once during the day did I feel like I had to pretend or fake who i was, I could be totally serious and the next second totally silly and it was totally awesome.

It's these rare friendships that make me think of Jesus, I think we could be that comfortable with Jesus if we pictured him to truly be our friend. Sometimes I forget that he wants me to be personal with him. It was  a good reminder this weekend of what a real friendship looks like and how comfortable I can be around those I know love me for me. I am so thankful for friends, and I already look forward to the next time I will get to see these friends in particular.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

I suppose i should share . . .

Now that I have joined this world of blogging, I am plagued with the question "about what should I blog" . . . what a weird word anyways, blog. I don't want to overblog . . . that's not interesting, but only one thing on a wall isn't so interesting either. So blog I will.

Today at our staff meeting we were talking about "wondering", it was an interesting conversation for me. See i am a very Black and White person, there is wrong there is right, there is yes and no, there is my opinion and the wrong opinion (just kidding, I try not to let that be true). But we talked about the importance of wondering, about the importance of not needing to have the answer, or even an answer all the time and the space this creates in relationship. A space where people feel safe to ask questions, to journey with you. I hope I can grow to be a person who allows wonderment, that when I am with youth I don't need to have all the answers, but that together we can journey, together we can question and wonder. I think that would be a great place to be with kids.

So right away some girls are going to come hang out with me for my Elevate program, it's a new group and I'm interested to see where it will go, but I hope that together we can wonder about some important stuff.

(also a shout out to my first two followers - I checked all day to see if anyone would be interested in my blog - thanks for following)

Monday, 2 May 2011

I'm New to this . . .

Well, I am certainly new to blogging, I'm not convinced I will have the longevity required to "blog" well but I'm going to give it a shot. My desire is that through this blog I can share with you (whoever you are that may be reading this) my journey through ministry. I love what I do, for those of you who don't know, what I do is work with kids, all though the "work" looks an awful lot like play sometimes. My job is to hang out with kids, let them know I think they are important, because they are, share my life with them, give them a chance to share their lives with me and in some way hope to minister to their soul. It's a great job. However I have come to the realization that I am not always so great at communicating with those around me about what I do, why it's worthwhile and how others can be a part of it. So that's it, I hope this can be a tool that helps me step forward in better communication.