Thursday, 28 July 2011

THE Truth

Last week two Jehova's wittnesses came to my door, I invited them in and an hour long conversation ensued, for an hour we discussed the differences between what we believe is true. After a while it was time for them to go but they asked if they could come back, I told them I didn't know when exactly that would fit in and we left it at that. Last week I ran into one of them at Tim Horton's and she requested that they come back to discuss further with me, I decided it couldn't hurt so yesterday I had them over. We talked for an hour and a half, this time about much more pointed things - who is Jesus? God's son or God? Does the Trinity exist? Can all people hope for eternal life? What happens when we die? They were some pretty heavy topics, topics that get me excited because I want to know the Truth about these things - before the conversation I took some time to pray for humility and that I would know when to bite my tongue in order to not employ my ever so ready "Haley debate." I think I did ok in that vein :)

The conversation was good, frustrating at times but good. I certainly don't think I changed their minds about anything, I really hope I got them thinking though - I know afterwards I was thinking. I was thinking about Truth, we can't all have it, not everyone can be right in what they believe. I know some people would like to think that what's good for you is good and what's good for me is good and as long as we are all right in our own minds then that Truth is good enough. That's CRAZY! it's illogical, almost every religion or faith claims to have "the truth" so to claim that each of them can be right is almost insane, that would prove each of them wrong immediately.

The reality is that, as we sat in my living room discussing truth, one of us was wrong, one of us didn't have the whole picture. I am unchangeably convinced that what I believe about the saving grace of Jesus and the truth that he speaks is in fact "the Truth" (I also know that they feel the same way). Nevertheless it got me thinking, how important is the Truth, how important is it to be able to defend the Truth? . . . I think it's pretty important. I'm definitely not saying I have it all figured out, or I have all the answers, I wish I did during that conversation. But mostly it just made me realize how important it is to live a life in pursuit of "the Truth".

Jesus says, "I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life" it gets you thinking!

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