Thursday, 23 June 2011

The house I build

I asked my bible study kids to contemplate a passage of scripture last night. It was Luke 6:46-49. It talks about two different kinds of people, wise and foolish. The wise man builds his house on a solid foundation, on the Rock (Jesus Christ), the foolish man builds his house on the ground without a foundation, Then the passage tells us that when the storm came the wind and rain and floods did not move the house built on a solid foundation, it withstood the storm, When the storm came to the house without a foundation it collapsed and it's destruction was complete.

I asked the youth which of these two houses they would want to be, and then we talked about how it was completely their choice. It is summer time now, I probably wont see all of them on a weekly basis, I'll try to see them often but programs just don't run the same in the summer. So i know that now is the time that all the teaching I have done, all the conversations we have had, all the things we have learned about will all be tested. This is where the rubber meets the road some might say.

We all have things in our lives that try to pull us away from building our house on a solid foundation, the sin things in our life that appeal to our senses that make us think that building on the rock isn't worth it.  Sometimes it seems like it would be easier not to put in the work, not to dig down deep and find that rock to build our house on, but we have to ask ourselves if a house with no foundation is the house we want to build? Will it be worth it when we are standing looking at the rubble that we put so much effort into, the house that we built all in vain because it was on a weak foundation?

I want to know, be certain, that the house I am building is on a solid foundation, that it is built upon Christ the Solid Rock, that no storm of life could shake it. I want to have faith to walk through the the storms of life and come up untouched on the other side because of my Rock.

My prayer is that this summer those youth would be thinking about the foundation that they want to build their house on. I pray that they will see the temptations of this world for what they truly are, traps to make us build our house on sinking sand, things that promise us immediate pleasure but offer no eternal reward. I want the house I build to be built upon the rock, likewise I hope to watch as many young people choose to build their house on a solid foundation through their choices this summer.

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