Wednesday 7 September 2011

Happy New Year!

Ok, I know it's not a new year yet, but it sure feels like one in my life . . .and I am sure in the lives of many of the youth who have just begun their new school year. I feel like September, with the start of a new school year, is a brand new year for me.

It has been exciting over the past few days to be back into schools. It is still early in the year, so very few of our programs have started up, but I know where to find kids! Last week after going to an opening day assembly at St. Augustine school I took a few girls out for ice cream, it was so encouraging to connect with them and hear about there summers, it got me excited for what this new year will hold. It's just really encouraging to be back in the swing of things, to know that I can head into schools and connect with kids.

Tonight is the start of my Wednesday night youth bible study and I look forward to hearing some "back to school" stories, I also look forward to having a weekly opportunity to connect with these kids, to learn and grow together. I look forward to seeing what this new school year will hold. So Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you were off to a great start at Meadowbrook last night!
